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November 30, 2008


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Your annoying and somewhat cool friend...

Hey Rustin:

As per our converstation last night, I have posted my variation of the question on Citizens of the Imperium.

I leave you the link to follow and check my work.

URL: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?p=291249#post291249

p/w: letmein

Am now waiting for responses.


Oh and I dig the banner at the top. Almost looks like downtown Milwaukee...almost.

Rustin Wright

Yep. And I see that people are already clicking on the link. Welcome, folks; please join in.

Oh, and Magnus, I tried to follow your link but without a login the p/w didn't do me much good ;-(

The banner, fwiw, is supposed to represent Portland. Actually, if I were willing to do the work, my banner would cycle between Portland, Milwaukee, NYC, Toronto, D.C., Minneapolis, Chicago, both the UK and Ontario Londons, and a few other places I've puttered away my time in.

But never Pittsburgh. Gawd, I was miserable in Pittsburgh.


If I had more graphic design chops, I'd make you an Insignificant-London banner myself. I think it would look something like this. :)

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