My friend Sarah said something perfect a couple of days ago. Sarah Palin - A thousand points of spite. I concluded that this needed to be shared with the world. So I've now created a Cafepress store to sell stickers with this inspiring phrase on them. Go, buy stickers. Put them up where the whole world can know what you really think. But do it fast. In fifteen days my trial membership expires and unless stuff is selling I'll have to either reduce my selection to one sticker of each type or shut it down.
Sarah Palin is really just a younger and more hip-looking Dolores Umbridge.
"You know, deep down, that you deserve to be punished"
I came up with that comparison about two days after Sarah was unveiled, and now google shows more than 750 hits for "Dolores Umbridge" "Sarah Palin".
Posted by: Julie | September 12, 2008 at 09:48 AM
Ooops - I don't want to take credit for that cool listofnow post. I haven't written anything clever about it, but when I found that person's post (and the great photoshop picture) I knew I had to pass it on.
Posted by: Julie | September 12, 2008 at 09:50 AM
Sadly, I haven't read far enough into the Harry Potter books to quite get this. Especially since even most of what I *have* read was done while drugged up in a burn ward. But you've got me curious. And I certainly do remember enough to understand that one of Rowling's most important themes is the vicious, self-serving politician who does their best to undermine society for the benefit of themselves and their clique, all while spouting aggressively authoritarian platitudes about how wonderful they are and how grateful their victims should be for their suffering.
Yeah, sounds about right to me.
Posted by: RustinHWright | September 12, 2008 at 11:20 AM